Best Overall Kart Combo for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
The best Kart combination for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a matter of opinion. However, Yoshi on Teddy Buggy, roller wheels, and paper glider is widely regarded as the best combo for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as of the 2023 update.
This is mainly due to the hidden mini turbo stat. While Yoshi on Teddy Buggy doesn’t have the highest speed, it does offer a well rounded combination of stats. Plus the highest mini turbo, a hidden stat.
Other combos with the same stats are:
- Daisy, Peach, Birdo, Peachette
- Cat Cruiser, Comet, Yoshi Bike
- Azure rollers
- Cloud glider, Parachute, Flower Glider
These combos have the best mini turbo. Overall it’s a well rounded build for acceleration, speed, handling, and traction.
While I consider the Yoshi, roller, paper glider, and Teddy Buggy the best. The best kart combo for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe comes down to preference and racing style.
That being said, we don’t always play for the best stats. We have personal favorites which we are comfortable playing with. Once we get used to a kart it’s hard to change.
Some of our personal favorites are:
- Rosalina, P-wing, azure roller and parachute
- Peach, Cat Cruiser, roller and Peach Parasol
- Daisy, Sports coupe, sponge and flower glider
Best Stats
When building or choosing a combo mini turbo is the most important stat. Followed by speed. These stats matter above the other stats. Never sacrifice speed or mini turbo for acceleration or handling.
While acceleration and handling matter, they don’t have the advantage speed and mini turbo do. Adjusting your driving for lesser traction or handling is much easier than making up for poor mini turbo or speed. Same for acceleration.
Avoid combos that lack speed or acceleration. While it is possible to still win with any combo. Good mini turbo, speed, and acceleration stats make it easier.
Least Important Stats
Weight and traction are the least important stat when considering a combo for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Weight matters when being bumped. Being bumped rarely impacts placement so this stat isn’t as important.
For most races, at the start is when you’re most likely to be bumped. During a race being bumped is rare. Annoying, but rare. Missing a double item box due to being bumped is not fun. But it happens so infrequently, weight isn’t a stat to be prioritized over mini turbo or speed.
Traction is important for slippery portions of tracks or when off road. While having more traction helps for these parts of a track. Adjusting your driving is better than increasing your traction.
If you increase traction and sacrifice speed you have to adjust your driving to account for the lower speed anyway. So calculating a drift for slippery conditions while keeping a high speed and mini turbo stat is preferable to traction.
Handling applies all tracks and conditions. It’s how well a cart steers in general. Again, this stat matters. But it should not come at the cost of speed or mini turbo.
Choose a kart with the best handling simply means you have to brake drift less. Which isn’t a good trade. Sacrificing speed and mini turbo for handling is a bad trade off.
The best combo is the one you have the most fun with.

Best Overall Kart Combo for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe brought to you by David M.
I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space and Overcooked All You Can Eat.