Ingredients to Make a Successful Family Game Night

Family game night is a staple found in most families. Everyone usually enjoys spending time together. Having a successful game night depends on several factors. Which game to play, which snacks to bring, or choosing the right night to play.

However, choosing the right game or snacks isn’t as important as choosing the right attitude. Attitude is everything. Bringing the right attitude to game night ensures everyone has fun.

Make sure everyone brings their best attitude to the table. It should be something everyone looks forward too, not dreads. If anyone does seem hesitant to participate, try to find out why and fix it before hand.

Not everyone is an extrovert. Some don’t like video games. Try to accommodate everyone. Making everyone feel welcome and invited ahead of time goes a long way.

Ingredients to Make a Successful Family Game Night

Be a Peacemaker

During any game night there’s bound to be a few conflicts or disagreements. Be the peacemaker that tries to resolve any disputes. Whether it’s offering a solution, compromise, or simple hearing everyone out goes a long way to keeping things fun.

Remind everyone it’s just a game and not take anything too seriously. We’re all friends here, right? If the competition is too much, try switching to a co-op game. Or one with less competition.

Be Flexible

Having fun mostly involves adapting to the situation. Making light of any shortcomings. Or reminding everyone the reason they’re here.

We’ve altered the rules of many board games to make it more fun. Any time we come across a rule that holds us back we change or drop it.

We’ve also changed the goals of many video games too. Instead of a high score we go for the silliest goal we can think of. Everyone has fun and we completely ignore any score or ranks at the end.

Be Honest

Some games or some activities just don’t work. It’s best to realize this sooner than later. Just avoid those games or activities instead of trying to make them work.

If people can’t play Monopoly nicely, or get mad when playing Mario Party, then simply face it and stop trying to force it happening. Some people aren’t worth inviting either.

Get Feedback

Ask everyone beforehand what games, snacks, or activities they like. Then ask them afterward what they enjoyed the most or least. Getting some feedback allows for improvement.

Asking for suggestions is also important. Others input is vital for new ideas or activities. Everyone has different experiences and input which help expand the possibilities.


Family game night is meant to create good memories for everyone. While these experiences can’t be meticulously planned, you should have a general goal in mind. Approach them with the right attitude, don’t take anything too seriously, and be willing to change so everyone can have fun.

It’s not so much about what activities you do or snacks you bring, as it is about your relationship skills. Those are essential ingredients to make a successful game night.

Ingredients to Make a Successful Family Game Night brought to you by: David M.

I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space and Overcooked All You Can Eat.

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