Moving Out 2: Achievements in Packmore

Getting all the achievements in Moving Out 2 took us several attempts. But the game is so fun I didn’t mind. These are all the achievements in Packmore. Snackmore, Middle Folkmore, Pactropolis, and The Void achievements are in other posts.
Billie’s Bungalow

- Let that sink in!
- Zap it!
- What’s burning?
Pulling out the kitchen sink until the hose breaks is how I got the first achievement. Slapping the electrical panel until I got zapped gets the second. The panel is on the blue wall to the right of the front door behind the bushes. Lastly, I opened the oven in the kitchen to see what’s burning.
Throwing whatever I could out the front window allowed me to get faster times.
742 Evergoose Terrace

- Who let the goose out?
- Don’t break any windows
- Take your shot
Moving the crate near the basketball hoop to lets the goose out. Don’t break any windows is self explanatory. I found the style crate, the large gaming console, and the grill are the hardest items to move without breaking anything. Move them first.
I got the basketball from the room above the garage. Then I stood on the hood of the moving truck. Trying to shoot it in takes to long. I just jumped and slam dunked the basketball to get the take your shot objective.
I packed the large items first and as tight as I could on the truck to get better times. Also, stacking smaller items on top of larger items works best.
Catch Shack

- Bounce 8 items off the umbrella
- Don’t use the sliding door!
- Rinse off the sand
I stood at the top of the stairs, aimed at the umbrella, and threw 8 items at the umbrella. When it closes, slapping the umbrella reopens it.
Don’t touch the front sliding door or move the table blocking it open. I threw everything across or used the left side by jumping across the pool. At the bottom of the stairs hidden under the umbrella is a shower. I discovered slapping it rinses off the sand.
I threw as many items across as I could to get better times. Jumping off the balcony into the pool while throwing items was necessary. Jumping and stacking small items on top of the existing items in the truck for more room worked for me.
Chalet la Faye

- Break all the windows
- Keep your flamingo clean
- Cuckoo to you too buddy!
Breaking all the windows includes the ones in the kitchen facing the street. The flamingo on the balcony to the right of the truck needs washed. I took it to the shower in the bottom left bedroom. Slapping the shower starts it. I slapped the cuckoo clock to get the last achievement.
Locksmith Lodge

- The secret is key
- When you gotta go on the move
- I’m allergic to sliding doors
There’s two steps to the secret, which made it harder in my experience. The first step is finding them, the second step is using them. Once you know this the achievement isn’t so hard.
There is a red key, yellow key, and green key. The green key is on top of the door on the billboard. I slapped the electrical panel to the right of the truck to get it down.
The yellow key is inside the port-a-potty. I slapped the door to get it out. I found the red key hidden under a pile of tires on the far right corner.
Each key needs placed in the color coordinated box to complete the achievement. The room to the right of the truck has a red box on the wall. Place the red key there. The room adjacent to that has a yellow box on the wall. The room below the spinning door in the middle has the green box.
Take the portable outhouse to the moving truck to get the go on the move objective. Being allergic to sliding doors applies to the manual sliding doors. It’s fine to go through the automatic door. I had to go in through the rear window. Then prop the door open to get the large desk into the building on the left.
In order to get faster times, I took taller items through doors that don’t have the black and yellow striped bar across the top.

Boxwood Farm

- Best friends forever
- Don’t break any fences
- Not the bees!
To get best friends forever, I placed every animal in the sheep pen. Not breaking any fences is plain enough. To get the last achievement I slapped all 3 of the white beehives on the far right corner.
The farm levels are considerably harder to get the pro times than most levels in the game in my experience. To get the best times I took advantage of herding the animals.
I started the level by going to the pig pen and taking the trough out. Then blocked the gate from the outside with it. That way I could toss pigs in but they couldn’t get out. Then I blocked the gates located between the pig and chicken pen.
For the chicken pen, I blocked the gate open with the trough. Then I blocked the path behind the chicken gate. I didn’t bother blocking the turn style gate.
Once the paths were blocked, I started at 12 ‘o clock near the chicken gate and swept around the farm to 6 ‘o clock. All the animals were herded in the large area around 9 ‘o clock at this point. I blocked the path behind me at the choke point between the fence and white feed bin.
I began loading the pigs, sheep, and cows while saving the chickens for last. With the gate open many went in the pen by themselves. I blocked the chicken gate with the trough from the outside then loaded any loose chickens.

- Cows first!
- Bad goat! Don’t let a goat stun you
- Deliver the Goats
Delivering the cows first is straightforward. So is delivering the goats and not letting a bad goat stun you. Once you get the achievements you can go for the pro times, which is hard.
The way I did it was blocking the path under the fence in the bottom pen. That way the animals can’t go back and forth between the rooms. The only red fences I had the rams break were the two holding the cows.
I loaded the pigs by grabbing them and jumping on the feed bins to get in and out. I hand to run around gathering the sheep and chickens. But I saved the chickens for last since they are so hard to keep in the pen.
To keep the chickens in the pen, move any bails of hay away from the fence. Throw them in the middle of the pen, farther than the other animals.
I mostly didn’t bother penning the rams unless they were right next to it. All but the cow can be thrown over the fence to the right of the gate with one person.
I tried blocking access to the bottom room entirely. Or throwing the chickens into the pig pen. My herding efforts didn’t work well either. Breaking out the cows eats up a lot of time. I was able to throw the cows out with some effort and stacking items up to stand on. Mostly, I wound up running around gathering animals to get the pro time.

Achievements in Packmore brought to you by David M.
I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space, and Overcooked All You Can Eat.