Moving Out 2: Character Crate Locations

Moving Out 2 characters

There are 19 character crates in Moving Out 2. Some are hidden on the map while others are located in the levels. Here’s a breakdown of where I found them all.

Packmore Locations

In Chalet la Faye the character crate is located in the room at the top of the stairs on the far right side of the house. Not much is sticking out to see but grab at the corner and pull out the crate with Rye Yu.

Rye Yu Character crate

On the main map there’s a crate between Boxwood farm and G.O.A.T. This one is easy to spot and contains Henrietta the chicken.

Henrietta Character crate

The next character crate in Packmore is at the end of the dock near the Catch Shack. It has Tooki the toucan.

Tooki Character crate

The last character crate in Packmore is on the bottom left part of the main map. Use the truck to sever the two ropes holding up the bridge. Then navigate to the top level to get the Herbie character crate.

Herbie Character crate

Snackmore Locations

The first crate is found near the Floating Fling Flats level. Look above the level in the corner. It has Sunny the fried egg.

Sunny Character crate

The next is found in the purple juice lake. Take the fountain up to this circular reservoir. Between the two spinning straws is the Prof. Inkle character crate.

Prof Inkle Character crate

In Sugar Sorting Station, the crate is found at the bathroom at bottom left of the building. I had to move the items under it to get the sprinkles character crate. Sprinkles is a doughnut.

Sprinkles Character crate

Middle Folkmore Locations

In Middle Folkmore I found 5 character crates.

The first is found in Train To Train Transfer level. It’s behind the one way door on the main platform. To reach it I got on a carriage then jumped to the small platform behind the door. This crate contains Dazzlehoof the unicorn.

Dazzlehoof Character crate

The text crate is hidden in the U shaped aqueduct between Sir Pent’s Library and Penny’s Portal Palace. When I drove into the U shape it revealed a hidden crate with Cam the chameleon.

Cam Character crate

The next create requires going past Penny’s Portal Palace. Go through the purple diamond portal to get the Bruce character crate. Bruce is a koala.

Bruce Character crate

The next crate is found under the aqueduct near the blue moon portal. Near the Mystic Mansion is the blue moon portal. Go through it and down to the right is the dog Laika character crate. You have to go left to get down a level, then go right.

Laika Character crate

The last crate is in Breezy Bizaar. Head toward the far right room. In the corner near the water is the old blackwhiskers character crate. Blackwhiskers is a cat.

Old blackwhiskers Character crate

Pactropolis City Locations

I discovered 7 crates in Pactropolis City. The first is in The Strato Tower level. Go to the top of the map in the small grassy area. This is also where you start the turbines. Hidden in the far right corner is the TV Dials character crate.

Dials Character crate

The next crate is in the Twilight Drone level. On the bottom platform, in the bottom left terrace are some boxes. Under the small box is the Clawdius the crab crate.

Clawdius Character crate

The next crate is in the Pool House level. It’s hidden above the meter for the golf trainer thing. Go out on the terrace then work your way slowly to the top. You don’t need to jump but can walk left to pick up the Super Movebot 5000 crate.

Super Movebot 5000 Character crate

The next crate is in Watt’s House level. To the left of the where the battery is located is a platform. You can only see it from behind the truck. The crate is on that platform but it needs lifted.

Get the battery and put it in the socket on the far right for the main bridge. Place the battery in so the negative orange terminal connects to the purple positive terminal. This lifts the platform so you can get the crate for Ramone noodles.

Ramone Character crate

The next crate is in the Dronies level. Near the start is a mailbox. Behind the mailbox hidden in the bushes is the T Pott character crate.

T pott Character crate

The next crate is on the outer most ring of the main map toward the top. Above Cranky Gardens on a white pillar is the fish Gilly character crate.

Gilly Character crate

Another crate is found on the outer most ring of the main map toward the left. Behind the giant fan next to Sushi Gardens is a crate. It’s for Coco the coconut.

Coco Character crate

List of Character crates

  • Henrietta the chicken. Packmore near farm levels.
  • Tooki the toucan. Packmore at the end of the dock.
  • Herbie the cactus. Packmore bottom of map, cut ropes to access.
  • Rye Yu the toaster. Packmore in Chalet la Faye level.
  • Sunny the fried egg. Snacmore far right and up a little.
  • Prof. Inkle the squid. Snacmore in the middle of the purple lake.
  • Sprinkles the donut. Snacmore in Sugar Sorting Station level.
  • Dazzlehoof the unicorn. Middle Folkmore in the Train To Train Transfer level.
  • Cam the chameleon. Middle Folkmore map hidden in U shaped aqueduct.
  • Bruce the koala. Middle Folkmore map purple diamond portal.
  • Laika the dog. Middle Folkmore map blue moon portal.
  • Old Blackwhiskers the cat. Middle Folkmore in in Breezy Bizaar level.
  • Dials the TV. Pactropolis City in Strato Tower level.
  • Clawdius the crab. Pactropolis City in Twilight Drone level.
  • Super Movebot 5000. Pactropolis City in Pool House level.
  • Ramone the noodles. Pactropolis City in Watt’s House level.
  • T. Pott the pot. Pactropolis City in Dronies level.
  • Gilly the fish. Pactropolis City outer ring top.
  • Coco the coconut. Pactropolis City outer ring left.


Moving Out 2 character crates brought to you by David M.

I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space, and Overcooked All You Can Eat.

Moving Out 2 Character Crate Locations

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