Sonic Frontiers: Sonic Skill Guide
There are a lot of cool new abilities for Sonic and his friends in Sonic Frontiers, though to unlock most of them you need to pay skill points and progress through a skill tree, and sometimes it can be hard to know which skill or chain of skills you should try to get next, and so in this post I’m offering some advice on which skills are the best to focus on unlocking first for Sonic in Sonic Frontiers.

Recommended Order for Unlocking Skills
I recommend you unlock Sonic’s skills in this order (you can see more detailed reviews of each skill by clicking on the name of each skill to expand it).
Skill Point cost: 1
How to perform
- Hold the X button while moving
- Hold the right mouse button while moving
- Hold the Y button while moving
- Hold Triangle while moving
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is required to progress through the game, and is a fairly helpful skill. It’s a good way to refill your rings and gather other helpful collectables such as Kokos, skill points, and seeds. Also, if you use Cyloop to make an infinity sign (or an 8), you get an unlimited boost gauge that will last until you leave the island, fall off the map, get hit with no rings, enter a Cyber Space stage, or watch a cutscene.
Skill Point cost: 3
How to perform
- Mash Y while the combo meter is full
- Repeatedly click the left mouse button while the combo meter is full
- Mash X while the combo meter is full
- Mash Square while the combo meter is full
My thoughts
Rating: 4 out of 5.This is especially helpful against guardians and titans. It seems to make Sonic’s basic attacks faster than normal in addition to making his attacks deal more damage.
Skill Point cost: 5
How to perform
- ZL in midair
- F key in midair
- LT in midair
- L2 in midair
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is one of my favorite attacks; it allows you to quickly unleash a rapid series of attacks on enemies from a safe distance. It’s even possible to clear an entire group of smaller enemies before they even have a chance to get near Sonic if your attack stat is high enough. I recommend getting this skill as soon as possible.
Skill Point cost: 5
How to perform
- Left stick in midair while Sonic is sparkling
- W, A, S, D in midair while Sonic is sparkling
- Left stick in midair while Sonic is sparkling
- Left stick in midair while Sonic is sparkling
My thoughts
Rating: 2 out of 5.While this can be helpful early on in the game to rack up some Skill Pieces whilst exploring the Starfall Islands, since the only thing that you can get from doing tricks is Skill Pieces for Sonic, it becomes useless after you’ve unlocked all of his skills (unless you count having Sonic do some cool tricks while flying through the air as something useful in it’s own right).
Skill Point cost: 10
How to perform
- L and Y or R and Y
- Q and left mouse button or E and left mouse button
- LB and X or RB and X
- L1 and Square or R1 and Square
My thoughts
Rating: 3 out of 5.The animation feels a little bit long, but it deals a bigger chunk of damage than a basic attack and it also seems to evade counter attacks while Sonic is zipping through the air. I wouldn’t consider it my favorite, but it’s not a bad attack.
Skill Point cost: 30
How to perform
- ZR and Y in midair while locked on to something
- Shift and left mouse button in midair while locked on to something
- RT and X in midair while locked on to something
- R2 and Square in midair while locked on to something
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is another one of my favorite attacks. It deals a good amount of damage in a fairly short amount of time, and you can usually stay a safe distance away from your target while performing this attack.
Skill Point cost: 40
How to perform
- B while attacking
- Space while attacking
- A while attacking
- X while attacking
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is one of my favorite melee attacks. It’s quick to perform and seems to fill the Phantom Rush combo meter quite a bit.
Skill Point cost: 50
How to perform
- B before landing after taking damage
- Space before landing after taking damage
- A before landing after taking damage
- X before landing after taking damage
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is a handy skill to have, especially if you find yourself losing your rings frequently while playing. Not only can it stop Sonic from dropping his rings after getting hit, it also is a really powerful counter attack.
Skill Point cost: 10
How to perform
- A while locked on to something
- Control/command while locked on to something
- B while locked on to something
- Circle while locked on to something
My thoughts
Rating: 4 out of 5.This attack is different than just doing a regular stomp on an enemy. It’s fairly easy to perform and usually deals a good chunk of damage to most enemies, so I’d definitely recommend getting this skill.
Skill Point cost: 20
How to perform
- X while locked on to something
- Right mouse button while locked on to something
- Y while locked on to something
- Triangle while locked on to something
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This skill can sometimes be helpful while exploring the Starfall Islands, but it’s probably most helpful during a fight against one of the guardians or titans. This skill can usually be used to temporarily incapacitate the titans, allowing you to get in several other attacks without much resistance from them.
Skill Point cost: 30
How to perform
- ZR and A in midair while locked on to something
- Shift and control/command in midair while locked on to something
- RT and B in midair while locked on to something
- R2 and Circle in midair while locked on to something
My thoughts
Rating: 4 out of 5.This attack deals a good amount of damage and is fairly quick to perform. While you don’t have to be very close to an enemy to perform this attack, after performing this attack Sonic ends up right next to his target.
Skill Point cost: 20
How to perform
- Will occasionally automatically trigger other combat skills while performing basic attacks
My thoughts
Rating: 3 out of 5.This can allow Sonic to perform some of the more powerful attacks without having to input the complex button combos that are usually associated with those moves, though I’ve not noticed any way to tell when it’s going to a trigger a skill versus a regular attack, and have found that it can sometimes trigger skills at inconvenient times.
You can go into the options menu and choose which individual combat skills this skill can trigger, so you can disable any of your least favorite attacks from triggering automatically while doing basic attacks if you want.
It’s probably not worth getting this skill until you’ve unlocked a few combat skills that have somewhat complicated button inputs.
Other Skills
The below skills are automatically unlocked by progressing through the main campaign, and they don’t cost any skill points (you can also expand each section to see more details about each skill and what I think of it).
How to unlock: free Amy on Chronos Island
How to perform
- X and A after successfully blocking an attack with parry
- Right mouse button and control/command after successfully blocking an attack with parry
- Y and B after successfully blocking an attack with parry
- Triangle and Circle after successfully blocking an attack with parry
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is one of the best attacks. In some cases, I find that it’s worth it to simply wait for an enemy to attack just so I can then parry their attack and perform this counter attack.
How to unlock: free Knuckles on Ares Island
How to perform
- Hold Y while attacking
- Hold the left mouse button while attacking
- Hold X while attacking
- Hold Square while attacking
My thoughts
Rating: 4 out of 5.This is a good attack that can hit multiple targets that are next to each other, though I don’t end up using it very much in favor of some of the other attacks I like better.
How to unlock: free Tails on Chaos Island
How to perform
- R and B in midair
- E and space in midair
- RT and A in midair
- R2 and X in midair
My thoughts
Rating: 5 out of 5.This is Sonic’s best attack in my opinion. If you can get good at the flow of holding the two buttons until the attack finishes, landing, jumping, and then holding the buttons again without accidently dashing and/or jumping, you can take down just about any enemy pretty quickly and easily. This is pretty effective against the bosses too.
I hope this post helps you to decide which skills to prioritize unlocking and mastering as you play through Sonic Frontiers. Good luck and have fun!
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about Sonic Frontiers.
Cross Slash is the best move in Sonic Frontiers, with Sonic Boom being the second best.
It is a move that allows Sonic to fire off a series of projectiles that automatically lock onto and pummel an enemy for as long as you are in the air and holding the corresponding button. In my opinion, this is the best skill in the game after the Cross Slash skill.
You can only play as Super Sonic during the fights against the Titans. On each island you need to collect six Chaos Emeralds and then face off against the Titan of the island to get the last Emerald and become Super Sonic.
I don’t think so. But if you have trouble pulling off some of the more complex/powerful moves then it might be worth it for you. If you do plan on unlocking it, I would recommend holding off on unlocking it until you reach the point where you don’t have anything else to spend your skill points on.

Sonic Frontiers: Sonic Skill Guide brought to you by Unicorn Gamer
Unicorn is Cool and really good at video games. She likes to play with her family and is really good at finding secrets, doing hard things and things like that. Her favorite games right now are: Sonic Frontiers, Super Mario Odessey and Kirby And The Forgotten Land.