Bake ‘n Switch – Alt Colors and Costumes Guide

Bake ‘n Switch is relatively recent addition to our Nintendo Switch collation of games. I notice that not many people have a guide of how to get the alt colors or costumes, so I wrote one. I hope it helps!

Bake 'n Switch - Alt Colors and Costumes Guide

Tips for Unlocking

There are Alt Colors, Costumes and Dough Avatars for the World map to unlock. You start out with three alt colors (including default), one costume (default) and one dough Avatar. Each characters has alt colors and costumes to start with.

To get Alt Colors you need to get stars on Normal levels, meaning not Stormy or Shroom.

To get Stormy Costumes you need to get stars on Stormy levels.

To get Shroom Costumes and the Batlava Dough Avatars you need to get stars on Shroom levels.

To get the Lil’Buns, DoughDough and Doughrilla Dough Avatars you need to get stars on Tropic Toaster world levels.

To get the Fluff Fox, Armadough and Bunboa Dough Avatars you need to get stars on Serradurra world levels.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Alt Colors

Each character has eight colors (including default). To unlock them you need to get starts in Normal levels. Here are images showing each character’s colors:

Bake N Switch Rosemary Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Rosemary Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Thyme Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Thyme Alt Color screenshot
Bake N Switch Ginger Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Ginger Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Parsley Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Parsley Alt Color screenshot
Bake N Switch Salt Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Salt Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Sage Alt Color screenshotBake N Switch Sage Alt Color screenshot


To get different costumes besides the default you need to get stars on Normal, Stormy and Shroom levels. Here are all of the Costumes in the images below:

Rosemary’s Normal, Special, Stormy and Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Thyme’s Normal, Special, Stormy and missing Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Ginger’s Normal, Special, Stormy and missing Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Parsley’s Normal, Special, Stormy and missing Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Salt’s Normal, Special, Stormy and missing Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

Sage’s Normal, Special, Stormy and Shroom Costumes.

Bake N Switch screenshot

I hope that my Alt Colors and Costumes Guide for Bake ‘n Switch helps! if you have any tips for unlocking them, please comment below!

Bake ‘n Switch – Alt Colors and Costumes Guide brought to you by Gaming Chickadee

Chickadee loves to have family gaming days. She loves birds, unicorns, ponies She also likes the Nancy Drew Games. She loves to play as Princess Daisy in the Super Mario Games, Her favorite games change a lot but right they are: Mario Party Superstars, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Pretty Princess Party.

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