Princess Peach Showtime – Hidden Ninjas Game Guide
As I said a lot before from past posts, “but not the Ninjas” Well, this is my guide to get the Ninjas in Princess Peach Showtime!

Floor 1 Ninjas
The Castle of Thorns
First comes a Ninja which is in front of a house’s door right near the start. The next Ninja is on the roof next to two enemies that jump Peach. After powering up theet via twirl, go a little forward and there is the last Ninja.
Ninjutsu: The Art of Rapids
All of the Ninjas are pretty easy to find and their all near the start. Anyway, the first Ninja you can see in the mini cutscene. All the way to the right. Now after making the trees bloom go a little to the right of where you come out of. The last one is after powering up the theet and going through there is a ninja to the left.
Cowgirl in the Wilderness
The first Ninja is in the first room. Go into the first house and the Ninja is in there near some pots and pans. The next one is in the next room after powering up some theets, just a little to the right when you first come in. The last one is right before becoming the Cowgirl to the left.
Welcome to the Festival of Sweets
The first Ninja is right at the start and also just right of the start. The next one is right next to the farm gate. The last Ninja is in the farm, to the left, on a bush.
Below is an image featuring every Ninja on Floor 1:

Floor 2 Ninjas
The Ghostly Castle
The first Ninja is in the same Jail cell as Peach. Break the bars to reveal them. The next Ninja is After the first jail room that Peach was stuck in. In the next room after that in the hallway is the Ninja. After the part with all the moving items falling, near a gate there is the last Ninja.
The Perfect Infiltration
The first Ninja is near the start and to the right near the robbery. In the next room after that just a little to the right there’s the second Ninja. All the way to the right of the same room is the third and last Ninja.
A Snow Flower on Ice
Th First Ninja is right at the start in front of a sign. You can see it in the mini cutscene. The next Ninja is a little bit after that and next to the bridge. At the part with the skater theets stuck in the snow. Behind the snowmen is the third Ninja.
The Case of the Missing Mural
As I’ve said before, the detective power is my fav in this game! Anyway, like A Snow Flower on Ice the first Ninja is at the start and can be seen during the mini cutscene. The next Ninja is in front of the Museum door where some police theets are. Now before going into the room where you can become the Detective there is the third Ninja right next to the door.
Below is an image featuring every Ninja on Floor 2:

Floor 3 Ninjas
Mighty Mission: Alien Invasion
The first Ninja is right behind the starting ramp. Go a little forward after that and in the fire is a hidden Ninja. Go a little right from there and there is the third Ninja.
Cowgirl at Dusk
The first Ninja is close to the start and to the right. After riding the horse and hopping onto the train there is a Ninja where you land. Now after the part with pulling down some walls there is a Ninja.
Welcome to the Spooky Party
Near the start (where you will need to bake later) is the first Ninja. To the far left of the baking cookies mini thingy, is the second Ninja and a little to the right of it is the third Ninja.
Melody of the Sea
The first Ninja is right at the start to the right of a Palm tree. Just a little bit after that there is two palm trees next to each other. To the right of them is the Ninja.
Below is an image featuring every Ninja on Floor 3:

Floor 4 Ninjas
Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames
It’s funny, but it seems like the Ninja levels have the easiest Hidden Ninjas to find. Anyway, just a little bit to the right at the start is the First Ninja. The next Ninja is behind the first guard. You can see it in the mini cutscene. In the room where you need to move slowly, there is a Ninja next to the second and third guards.
The Stolen Statue
Just like in Mighty Mission: Alien Invasion the first Ninja is behind the starting ramp. After turning off the lights there is a Ninja up on a higher platform up and to the left. Now once you’re at the part where you need to escape take the lower path to find the third Ninja.
A Kung Fu Tale
The first Ninja is near the start and to the right. Next after powering up some theets, right where you come out of is a Ninja. Now before twirling the gate that leads to Kung Fu Peach, to the right of the gate is the last Ninja.
The Case of the Rainy-Day Plot
Yay! Detective! ahem, anyway. The first Ninja is next to the paper that falls. Once in the hide out there is a Ninja in the room. Now once on the clock to get the key there is the third Ninja next to it.
Below is an image featuring every Ninja on Floor 4:

Floor 5 Ninjas
Mighty Mission: The Rescue
The first Ninja is behind where you land on the planet. After being chased by the Giant UFO, there is the second Ninja. Now at the part where you save the theets from UFOs there is a Ninja.
A Kung Fu Legend
Once inside near a pole and a bunch of enemies, there is the first Ninja. Once at the part where you kick out the support beams to some floors there is a Ninja. After saving the third theet and to the right next to a pole is the third Ninja.
A Parade on Ice
The first Ninja is on the parade float. The next Ninja is verry well hidden, it’s hidden in the crowd at the 25 second mark of the parade. You have multiple chances to get it but once the parade is over you can’t. Anyway, the last Ninja is behind the Mini Boss. It can be seen in the mini cutscene.
Blight of the Sea
Like in two other levels before, there is a Ninja behind the starting ramp. The next Ninja is just a little bit after that near some shells and sick mermaid theets. Now after entering the ship there is a Ninja near where you come in.
Below is an image featuring every Ninja on Floor 5:

I know that from my other posts I’ve said “except the Ninjas” but now you have the Ninjas! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions.

Princess Peach Showtime – Hidden Ninjas Game Guide brought to you by Gaming Chickadee
Chickadee loves to have family gaming days. She loves birds, unicorns, ponies She also likes the Nancy Drew Games. She loves to play as Princess Daisy in the Super Mario Games, Her favorite games change a lot but right they are: Mario Party Superstars, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island.