Princess Peach Showtime Sparkle Gems in Floor 2 Game Guide
This is my guide for Floor 2 in Princess Peach Showtime. This world has a total of 40 sparkle gems. 7 in one level, 10 in three levels and 3 for the boss.
I also have game guides for all the other floors:

Level 1: The Ghostly Castle
This level has 7 sparkle gems unlike the rest in this floor that have 10. Anyway so play the level as you normally would until you break out of the jail. In the next room after that break one of the bars to reveal the first sparkle gem. To get the next gem you need to defeat the enemies and the Theets will give you the second sparkle gem.
Now keep playing normal until the phantom knight makes some paintings and things move. There is some Gem pieces to collect, get all eight pieces to get the third Sparkle gem. On one of the paintings there is Ribboner to get the dress ribbon after seeing him keep an eye out for a spotlight to pose under. Pose using ZL or ZR to get to the secret room. Defeat all the enemies to get the fourth sparkle gem.

Okay once you’re out of the secret room, look out for a treasure chest that’s glowing attack it to open it and get the fifth sparkle gem. Before going into the entrance, break one of the vases to reveal the six sparkle gem. Now all you need to do is defeat the boss and finish the level to get the seventh and final sparkle gem.
Level 2: The Perfect Infiltration
Okay, so play a little of the level but when you see some guard robots that are blocking the path, there is a crate near them to the left. Go behind the crate to get the first sparkle gem. Now keep playing and disable the robots by twirling the projector to get the second sparkle gem.
Okay now keep going and once you get into the secret base then twirl the things on the left and right to get the third sparkle gem. Now become the Thief (which to me is more like secret agent). Anyway, go up and keep playing until you climb down on some green pipes. Slide down on the right pipe to get the fourth sparkle gem but be careful not to get spotted by the search lights!

Now keep going and after defeating the drone, the fifth sparkle gem is on the path forward. Okay now after deactivating the lasers grapple onto the drone and collect the gem to get the six sparkle gem. Okay now after getting off the conveyor belt, go on the bottom path and pose under the spotlight. Grab the drones to get to the top and you will find the seventh sparkle gem.
In the room with the safe there is gem pieces collect all eight to get the eighth sparkle gem. Now try to escape and at the top of the building there is the nineth sparkle gem. Now while gliding look out for the tenth and last sparkle gem.
Level 3: A Snow Flower on Ice
Now play the level as you normally would. Look out for a theet that’s sad near a bush. Light up all four bushes near there and he will give you the first sparkle gem. Keep going and once the enemy takes over the first ice rink defeat him by twirling him and you will be rewarded with the second sparkle gem.

Alright now keep playing as you normally would and once you get to the part where the skaters are trapped in snow twirl the snowmen snow pile and defeat the enemies to get the third sparkle gem. Now become the Ice skater and go to the ice show and once you get past the jumping and spinning gather the four skater theets and go to the middle snowflake and spin or jump to pose and get the fourth sparkle gem.
Okay now do all the spins and jumps in the sparkling spin exhibition to get the fifth sparkle gem. Now once again gather the skaters to get the six sparkle gem. Now go to the middle snowflake and press jump or spin to get the seventh sparkle gem.
Now exit the ice rink and got a little to the right and there is a place to pose before entering the next area. Pose there then you are in the secret room. Spin and Jump on all the snowflakes to get the eighth sparkle gem. Now after you see the ball with the Ribboner there is a sparkle gem pieces around them. Collect all eight to get the ninth sparkle gem. Now just rescue the skaters and defeat the boss to finish the level and get the tenth and final sparkle gem!
Level 4: The Case of the Missing Mural
Alright, play the level normal and when you come to where there is some enemies around a Theet Defeat them and you will be rewarded with the first sparkle gem. Now go a little forward and there is a sign behind it is the second sparkle gem. Keep going, now hit the book switches (star, lightning, cloud and sun) to get the third sparkle gem.
Now become the detective this is my personal favorite power up. Anyway, find the Junior detective theet to get the fourth sparkle gem. Now as soon as you go out through the door, look out for a place to pose, using ZR or ZL. Now while in the secret room, look at the crate on the right and use your “Strike of intuition” to collect the fifth sparkle gem.

Now keep playing and go into the museum. Once the mural is gone go all the way to the left and move the painting out of the way to get the six sparkle gem. Once in the next room, look out for a small blue key you now need to go all the way to the right. Open the blue tomb to get the seventh sparkle gem.
Okay back to the left over by the shop. Use your “Strike of intuition” on the Theet dress as a policemen holding a camera to get the eighth sparkle gem. Now, use “Strike of intuition” on the statue in the middle with the popcorn to get the nineth sparkle gem.
Now look at the window a little to the left. Talk to the mummy crazed theet just a little more left to get his step stool. Put the step stool by the window and open the window to reveal the mural is behind the curtain all this time. Use your “Strike of intuition” on the curtain to get the tenth and last sparkle gem.
Darkle Boss: Light Fang
Like the other floors, the boss has two objectives instead of collecting them. One of the things does have where you collect eight pieces to get a sparkle gem though. You need to:
- Don’t cause time to rewind
- Obtain eight Sparkle pieces
- Win the fight without taking damage

Then you have all the sparkle gems from Floor 2! (except for the Ninjas). I really hope this guide helped! if you have any questions, please comment below!

Princess Peach Showtime Sparkle Gems in Floor 2 Game Guide brought to you by Gaming Chickadee
Chickadee loves to have family gaming days. She loves birds, unicorns, ponies She also likes the Nancy Drew Games. She loves to play as Princess Daisy in the Super Mario Games, Her favorite games change a lot but right they are: Mario Party Superstars, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island.