Princess Peach Showtime Sparkle Gems in Floor 1 Game Guide
This is a guide for Floor 1 in Princess Peach Showtime. There is ten in each level and there are four levels. After finishing the game, you can earn 3 Sparkle Gems from the boss, Making the total of 43 Sparkle Gems.
I also have game guides for all the other floors:

Level 1: The Castle of Thorns
Okay so this is the first level of the game so I didn’t think it was too hard. Play through it as you normally would until you get to a group of three enemies next to some flowers. Get rid of them all then twirl the flowers to unlock the first sparkle gem and next room.
This one is just about right at the start. Go a little forward until you see a higher platform, then jump on there and go all the way to the left of the platform to the second sparkle gem. If you go in the room you can get the dress ribbon. Now keep playing the level normal once you’re at the edge of the level jump onto the platform and twirl the flower next to the Theet to get the third star.

Okay become Swordfighter and defeat all the enemies next to her to reveal the fourth sparkle gem. Keep going once your at the end of that room cut all the thorns and you got the fifth sparkle gem.
So go ahead and keep going and try to defeat all the enemies as you go. At the end of the room defeat all of them to get the six sparkle gem also don’t go into the next room yet! The seventh is right after the six You need to pose at the top of the staircase by pressing ZL or ZR Now defeat all the enemies to get it.
Beat the mini-boss battle to get the eighth sparkle gem. Now keep going until you see three enemies guarding it, defeat them to get the ninth sparkle gem. Now all you need to do is finish the level by defeating the plant boss to get the tenth and last sparkle gem.
Level 2: Ninjutsu: The Art of Rapids
So just twirl the tree like you need to get to the next room and the first sparkle gem will appear! Go-ahead until you get to where the level rotates then go left and there is the second sparkle gem hiding behind some rocks.
Keep going and become Ninja. Go to the left wall and wall-jump to get the third Sparkle Gem. Now hide then strike the first guard you see to get the fourth sparkle gem! (this part is really fun). Okay now the next one is by two guards on platforms, jump onto the lower one and defat him then jump onto the higher one and defeat him. Now go onto the roof and to the left to get the fifth sparkle gem.

Okay now save the Sensei theet by defeating the guards and breaking the cage to get the six sparkle gem. Now don’t go yet! I know he says to chase him but you need to stay in that room. Go right and pose under the spotlight now you’re in a hidden room wall jump up to get the seventh sparkle gem.
Okay now you can chase the thief. Keep an eye out for sparkle gem pieces collect eight of them to get the eighth sparkle gem. Now still chasing them, but now in a forest area defeat the second enemy to get the nineth sparkle gem. Now just catch the thief to get the tenth and final sparkle gem.
Level 3: Cowgirl in the Wilderness
Alright level 3. In the very first room, go into the second house and twirl all the flowers to make them bloom to get the first sparkle gem. Look around the town until you see two barrels break them to reveal the second sparkle gem.

Now keep laying the level until you get into the basement. Twirl all the lights to reveal the third sparkle gem and the guy with the dress ribbon, just twirl him to get it. Anyway go get the Cowgirl power up and defeat all the enemies to get the fourth sparkle gem.
Now, ride the horse and keep looking out for sparkle gem pieces. Collect all right to get the fifth sparkle gem. Now one of the enemies has a crate with the six sparkle gem. Grab him with the lasso to get it. Again, an enemy has the gem. Grab him to get the seventh sparkle gem.
Once finished the chase, you get the eighth gem automatically. Now don’t go in yet, just a little to the right of the cave you need to pose by pressing ZL or ZR. Once in the hidden room defeat all the enemies to get the nineth sparkle gem. Now just defeat the boss to get the tenth and last sparkle gem.
Level 4: Welcome to the Festival of Sweets
Now even though it’s still world one some of these gem are kinda of hard to get, you’ll see what I mean. Anyway go on to the right and when the enemy appears twirl him to get the first sparkle gem. Go into the next room and get rid of all the flying enemies to get the second sparkle gem and the dress ribbon.
Keep going on into the farm and jump up by the strawberries to get the third sparkle gem. Now to get the fourth, fifth and sixth sparkle gems fill the past the main meter and fill all the way onto the blueish one.
After baking the cookies, look around for a spotlight to pose under, bake some cookies for the hungry theets and feed them by pressing A next to them and they will give you the seventh sparkle gem.
Now, to get the eighth and ninth sparkle gems bake all five cakes. Finally just place the cookie at the top of the cake to get the tenth and final sparkle gem.

Darkle Boss: Disco Wing
To get the sparkle gems in this is more of getting achievements rather than collecting them. You need to:
- Defeat all of the purple chicks before they escape
- Hit Disco Wing with Sparkle chicks without missing
- Win the fight without taking damage

Then you get the sparkle gems from Floor 1 (except for the Ninjas). Hope this guide helps! if you have any questions or anything, comment below!

Princess Peach Showtime Sparkle Gems in Floor 1 Game Guide brought to you by Gaming Chickadee
Chickadee loves to have family gaming days. She loves birds, unicorns, ponies She also likes the Nancy Drew Games. She loves to play as Princess Daisy in the Super Mario Games, Her favorite games change a lot but right they are: Mario Party Superstars, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island.