Party Party Time 2 Review: Multiplayer Madness

We recently added Party Party Time 2 to our library of Nintendo Switch games. The first Party Party Time was a hit with us and the second version is too. This game is a collection of minigames for 2 to 6 players.
Not many games offer 6 players on one Switch. To get more than 4 usually requires more than one Switch. There’s limited screen space when playing with 6 players but most games are simple enough this isn’t an issue.
Party Party Time 2 is a budget friendly couch game. There are plenty of minigames for player vs player and co-op action. Like the first version, the graphics are colorful and the music is catchy.
I didn’t notice enough changes to justify a new release. It seems to me this could have been another expansion pack. However, the original game is getting crowded from the expansion packs.
Since the cost is roughly the same as an expansion pack, it’s hard to pass up. Even if a few of the games are recycled from the first version. Overall, Party Party Time 2 is as fun as the first version.
If you tire of all the cut scenes and extra animations found in other party games, then Party Party Time 2 is a great alternative. I don’t mind the slow pacing in other party games occasionally. But there are times I just want to get to the action and start playing. The animations get redundant and boring after several rounds.
This game is a no frills party game. Select a minigame, wait for a brief loading screen, and then you’re off.
These are games anyone can sit down and play. Instinctive mini game coupled with basic controls. It offers simple fun for anyone.

Why Party Party Time 2?
This game is a collection of minigames meant to be played with friends. There aren’t any complicated controls or tactics to learn. If you’re looking for some simple but fun minigames to pass the time with friends, this is a good option.
I found the games are incredibly intuitive. The goals are clear and how to score points is obvious. Even if some games are recycled versions from the first Party Party Time game. They were still fun.
I can’t say if any game particularly stood out as bad or good. They were all okay. Many get their inspiration from Mario Party games. If you like those then Party Party Time 2 is worth checking out.
Anyone who likes puzzle, carnival, combat, shooting, racing, sport, card, and survival games would like Party Party Time 2.
We tested Party Party Time 2 with 1 player, 2 players, 3 players, 4 players, 5 players, and 6 players. In my opinion, this game is best with 4 players and no computer players.
Playing with 5 or 6 players was a bit more confusing in my experience. The smaller screen takes some getting used to. Not many games can boast up to 6 players locally. A larger TV makes a big difference with that many players.
When I played with 1 player, it was fine but not as appealing as with multiple players. A few games were good solo but most lacked the craziness that comes with friends.

Comparable Games
I’d say the most similar games to Party Party Time 2 are Mario Party Superstars and Super Mario Party. Only in terms of minigames since Party Party Time 2 lacks the board game layout.
Our collection of multiplayer games is vast and includes a few other similar games such as Carnival Games, Cake Bash, and the original Party Party Time. I definitely liked Party Party Time 2 more than Carnival Games. Many of the Carnival Games felt redundant compared to Party Party Time 2.
I liked the original Party Party Time better than the second version. But I’d still recommend getting both versions since they are so inexpensive.
Cake Bash is another good party game meant to be played on the couch with friends. My only criticism of Cake Bash is the lack of minigames compared to Party Party Time 2. Cake Bash edges out Party Party Time 2 for quality, but not by much. Both games are great party games.
In appearance, Party Party Time 2 reminds me of Tsum Tsum Festival. Especially in terms of sound and colors. However, Party Party Time 2 isn’t filled with animations, cut scenes, or fancy scoreboards like Tsum Tsum Festival.
Even without all the frills found in bigger titles such as Tsums Tsums or Mario Party, I still immensely enjoyed Party Party Time 2. It’s a goofy game we got a lot of laughs from.

Pros and Cons
The best part about Party Party Time 2 is it’s inexpensive. Like the first version, it’s hard to find fault considering the price point. Our expectation wasn’t very high going into it but this game exceeded our expectations.
A disadvantage is it’s easy to tire of the minigames. However, this is true of any minigame or Party game. While I could spend hours playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I couldn’t say the same about Mario Party Superstars. After playing through each minigame a few times we were ready for something else.
Another benefit is the colors and sounds. The music is catchy without being annoying. The colorful appearance is eye-catching. The silly victory dances or loss animations are well done too.
For an inexpensive game, it doesn’t suck. True, many games are inspired from other minigames but there is a good variety of games here. I’d thought low cost = low quality. However, that isn’t the case with Party Party Time 2 or the original.
They didn’t include as many math or card games as the original. I can’t say I was disappointed. We didn’t care for those. I was disappointed a few games were recycled versions from the original.

Review Summary
My Party Party Time review gives it 6 out of 10 stars. Mainly due to it feels more like an expansion pack rather than a sequel to the original game. The music, layout, and overall feel is extremely similar to the original.
Once I started playing I couldn’t tell any difference between the original or this version. While there are new characters, there aren’t near as many as in the original.
As for the minigames themselves, they were good. Again, I don’t understand how Party Party Time 2 is any different than an expansion pack for the original. However, I did enjoy most of the minigames so I’m not complaining. It just seems odd.
Overall, I’m glad we got Party Party Time 2. It isn’t much different than the original. It isn’t going to take the top spot for our most played games on our Switch. However, it’s good for some occasional laughs with friends that doesn’t cost too much.

Party Party Time 2 review brought to you by: David M.
I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space and Overcooked All You Can Eat.