Totally Reliable Delivery Service: A Worthy Co-Op Game

People often ask is Totally Reliable Delivery Service worth getting? My answer is always yes, as long as you have people to play with. As a solo game it just isn’t the same. It really needs at least 2 players to enjoy it.

I’ve played through every achievement and delivery solo. Which was okay as far as games go. However, I’ve laughed so hard I cried playing with other people. You just can’t get that same experience playing solo.

How to Play

In Totally Reliable Delivery Service the idea is to deliver packages all over the city. You are employed by TRDS and it’s your job to deliver packages. You select a character where you can customize their hair, outfit, etc. Then spawn at headquarters where you get your first delivery.

Each delivery has special instructions. Generally, they are either time sensitive or damage sensitive. Meaning the package starts at 100% and lowers every time it takes damage. Keeping a package at 100% takes a lot of time so there is no time limit for these packages.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service map screenshot

On the other hand, time sensitive packages have no damage meter. So throw, launch, or move these packages by any means to get them on time.

While the first few deliveries are easy, they do get harder. As you progress you unlock more vehicles and delivery areas. Earning achievements and money for custom skins. All things considered, completing the game solo amounts to an average game.

Playing With Friends

Where Totally Reliable Delivery Service really shines is when you play with two or more people. The deliveries and goals don’t change. In fact many become easier with more players. During solo games the packages tend to not stay in the vehicle.

Having one player responsible for the package while the other player driving works out well. Getting packages on time or with no damage is a little easier with more players.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service screenshot

It’s also much funnier. The mechanics and physics of the game are setup to make everything from driving to moving around difficult. There’s a thin line between helping and hindering. But at least everyone will have a good laugh while trying to make deliveries.

TRDS also has a a few built in mini games and a mini Rocket League stadium. When you buy the DLC the mini games unlock power ups such as wings, a helmet, or float.

Playing Unconventional Ways

While doing deliveries and the mini games are fun, I’ve found many ways to have fun apart from doing deliveries. When we get together to play we rarely do deliveries anymore.

Instead, we have races, play other games, and see how far we can push the physics of the game. We like to play tag, crack the whip, follow the leader, hide and seek, etc.

We play tag, follow the leader, or hide and seek pretty much anywhere. Crack the Whip can be played with any vehicle or carnival ride in the game. The airplane is best for Crack the Whip. Have everyone grab hold of the airplane, then one player takes off and tries to fling everyone off.

You can mix up follow the leader with the power ups. Hide and Seek requires turning off the name tags. Using the UFO to catch people and throw them in the ocean is fun too. But the most fun we have is making up challenges.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service screenshot

How many vehicles does it take in the narrow pass no block the trolley? Can you stop the ferry with the bridge or other boats? How many vehicles fit in the delivery truck? Can you land an airplane in the blimp? Who can jump a boat farthest onto land?

You get the idea. Totally Reliable Delivery Service also doubles as an open world type game.


In my opinion, Totally Reliable Delivery Service is a great co-op game but not for doing deliveries. It’s much more fun to just goof off and see what you can do. I definitely recommend it if you have two or more players.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service: A Worthy Co-Op Game brought to you by David M.

I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space and Overcooked All You Can Eat.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service: A Worthy Co-Op Game

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