Totally Reliable Delivery Service Unusual Methods

We play a lot of Totally Reliable Delivery Service. If you’ve ever played then you know it’s an open world game that lends itself to unusual gaming experiences. Sure, getting all the achievements is okay, but have you ever tried launching a boat onto the road?

This game is made for antics. We spend more time testing the limits of the game than actually doing any deliveries. We’ve found many ways to wile away the time playing TRDS without doing any deliveries.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service Unusual Methods

Stop The Trolley

One of our favorites is to stop the trolley. Did you know it’s possible? The trolley goes in an endless loop around the city. Near the drawbridge is the entrance to a narrow valley. Which makes for a great bottleneck if you’re inclined to attempt to stop the trolley.

Bring in trucks, airplanes, hot air balloons, UFO’s, forklifts, and anything else that moves. Then pile them in the narrowest part of the valley to block the road and wait for the trolley. This takes at least two players since vehicles disappear if you get too far away from them.

Have at least one player near the opening to the valley at all times while others bring vehicles. Don’t block the trolley’s path right away. Get at least a dozen vehicles in the area, wait for the trolley to pass then pile everything you have in the valley to block the road.

By the time the trolley returns you should have a good wall built. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Even if you crash the game, it’s worth it.

Stop The Ferry

Another similar game is trying to stop the ferry. Using the bridge in combination with UFO’s usually results in some hilarious attempts. The pirate ship also does well for this game too.

There just aren’t as many options for the ferry as there are the trolley. It’s practically impossible to stop the either but it sure is fun trying.

While we’re at it we usually try flipping the pirate ship or UFO upside-down. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Flipping them right side up is even harder.


Another favorite is to play is UFO tag. The player who’s it get’s the UFO while everyone else scatters around the map. The idea is for the UFO to collect the players and toss them in the water before time runs out. Once a player respawns, they’re out.

The time limit depends on the amount of players or how much of the map is allowed. We usually make it somewhere between 5 or 10 minutes. The only rule is the other players aren’t allowed to use the UFO or other flying vehicles. If they could swim or fly it defeats the point of the game.

Whacky Races

Any game that has vehicles doubles as a racing game. The faster vehicles are so hard to control, it mostly comes down to who crashes the least. Give each vehicle a try. Each vehicle offers a different type race.

Unlike Mario Kart, these races aren’t about speed. They’re mostly about who can stay on the track or even finish. It surprisingly easy to get a vehicle stuck upside-down or in a tree. Each vehicle comes with it’s own challenges.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service screenshot

Boats and airplanes can also race around the city for a track. Racing with forklifts isn’t recommended, unless you just want to have a battle type race. There are many vehicles to choose from to have a race.


We fool around a lot in this game and found a few ways to have fun. The more players you have the better. But there’s a more to do in this game than just make deliveries.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service Unusual Methods brought to you by David M.

I’m David M. I’ve been playing video games a long time, my pong game was fire. Now, my kids run circles around me but we always have a good time. We mostly play party and family games. Strategy and battle games are still among my favorites. I like writing about games almost as much as I do playing them. My favorite games are: Moving Out 2, Out of Space and Overcooked All You Can Eat.

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